Friday, April 22, 2011

Nerd Girl!

Couple weeks ago, I was sitting at a fan girls meeting (Fan Girls: Comic book club only for girls) and we were talking about the comic we read that month, which was The Runaways (Amazing!!!@!@). Well at this meeting we had a special guest, Marvel Editor, Lauren Sankovitch!! Lauren was telling us about the whole editorial process and asking us questions like what got all of us into comics and what not. We were also talking about it is hard for girls in the comic book world or any thing nerdy. I can’t tell you how many times I get hit on when I go into my local comic shop or just being stared at. It drives me insane! Is it that hard for guys to see a girl buy comics or a videogame???? Now let me correct myself tho…. not all guys are creepy about nerdy girls. My boyfriend totally supports my nerdy ways. He loves it when I sit down and play some magic with him and he really does not get mad when I kick his ass in Mortal Kombat….ok maybe he gets a little mad.. :)